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 Double Spirals

Double Spiral

Alternating Spiral

Double Half Knot Spiral

Double Alternating Spiral

Description:  These Double Spirals are unique 2-color designs featuring the Spiral Stitch, also called the Half Knot Spiral.
Because there are two sets of working cords, these sennits are thicker than the regular Spiral Stitch.  For that reason, they are GREAT for the long posts in plant hangers and hanging tables. 

When practicing, you need two contrasting colors, and it's helpful if you use a third color for the fillers.  Make sure you use a project board and pins. 


Double Half Knot Spiral

Double Spiral

The Double Half Knot Spiral features two cords that twist in the same direction, so is the easiest to make.  

To practice, you need two 36-inch working cords and one 25-inch filler cord.    Since you will be folding the cords in half, there will be a loop at the top that can be used for a clasp.

To make Double Spirals starting at the center, you need 6 individual cords. 


Step 1:  Fold the filler cord in half and secure it to your board vertically.

Fold working cord A and place it under the fillers, securing it vertically, too.

Step 1

Step 2:  To start the Half Knot, move the left half of the working cord to the right.

Pass it over the fillers and under the right half of the working cord.

Step 2

To complete the Half Knot, move the right half of the working cord to the left.

Pass it under the fillers and over the left half of the cord. 

Pull both halves to tighten the knot, then arrange them horizontally.

Cord B

Step 3:   Repeat step 2 with working cord B.

Arrange the two halves horizontally when you are done.

Mentally label the two halves of each cord as shown.

Important:  The two halves are labeled as if they are separate cords.  They change places after each knot is tied, which gets confusing.

So mentally re-label them at the beginning of each step, so Cords A1 and B1 are always on the LEFT.


Cord A

Step 4:  On the left, move Cord A1 over Cord B1.

On the right, move Cord A2 under Cord B2.

Repeat step 2, tying a Half Knot with Cord A.  Arrange the two halves horizontally.

Designer's Tip:  The most important part of making Double Spirals is to keep the over - under pattern consistent.

You will be able to see those details more easily if you always arrange both halves of the cord horizontally after tying the knot.

Cord B

Step 5:  Mentally re-label both cords.

On the left, move Cord B1 under Cord A1.

On the right, move Cord B2 over Cord A2.

Repeat step 2, tying the Half Knot with Cord B.


Step 6:  Repeat steps 4 and 5 several times.

Eventually, the knots will spiral.  It's important to hold the filler cords in the same position, even if you need to twist the Half Knots as you progress.   In other words, do not tie the knots sideways!


Double Alternating Spiral

Alternating Spiral

The Double Spirals you are learning include this unique variation.   This design features two cords that twist in opposite directions. 

You tie right Half Knots with one working cord, and left Half Knots with the other. 

Pay close attention to the over - under pattern of the cords, since it's very easy to get lost when the sennit twists. 

You need one filler cord, at least 25 inches long.  The two working cords should be at least 45 inches long.

Right HK

Step 1:  Fold the filler cord in half and secure it.  Place working Cord A underneath it. Match the ends and balance the cord.

To start the RIGHT Half Knot, move the right half of Cord A to the left, over the fillers and under the left half.

Right HK

To complete the right Half knot, move the left half of Cord A under the fillers, heading right.

As you pull it out on the right, pass over the right half.

Tighten the knot firmly, and move the two halves to the right and left horizontally.

Important:  Double Spirals MUST be consistent, or the design won't work out. 

When using Cord A you always tie RIGHT Half Knots, repeating step 1.

When using Cord B you always tie LEFT Half Knots, repeating step 2 (below).

Left HK

Step 2:  Arrange Cord B under the fillers, matching the ends to balance it.

Start the LEFT Half Knot by moving the left half of Cord B over the fillers and under the right half.

Left HK

Complete the left Half Knot by moving the right half of Cord B under the fillers and over the left half.

Tighten the knot, then move the two halves so they are horizontal.  Mentally label the four segments as shown.

Designer's Tip:  Both Double Spirals have similar issues in that it's a challenge to keep the two halves of each cord identified, since they switch places often.

So mentally re-label before each step, so that A1 and B1 are always the segments currently on the left.

Cord A

Step 3:  On the left, pass Cord A1 under Cord B1.

On the right, pass Cord A2 over Cord B2.

Repeat step 1, tying a RIGHT Half Knot with Cord A. Arrange the two cords horizontally.

Cord B

Step 4:   Mentally re-label the two halves of both cords.

On the left, pass Cord B1 over Cord A1. On the right, pass Cord B2 under Cord B2.

Repeat step 2, tying a LEFT Half Knot with Cord B.


Step 5:  Repeat steps 3 and 4 several times to continue building the sennit, since Double Spirals look best if they are long.

As the sennit twists, it's VERY IMPORTANT that you keep the cords straight as you get ready to tie the Half Knot.  Never tie the knots sideways. 

Designer's Tip:  You know the knot is straight when the working cords come out of it horizontally, as shown in the image above and below.

The filler cords should rest flat on your board without twisting.


Here you can see again that the filler cord and working cord are both straight prior to tying the knot.

The previous cord may be slightly twisted.  That's fine, as long as the current knot is straight.



As you continue, you will see the two spirals heading in opposite directions (arrows).

You will also see that this variation of the Double Spirals has four surfaces (front, back, 2 sides).

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Macrame Cord Divider