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Brocade Ball Knot

Brocade Ball Knot
Description:  The Brocade Ball Knot features five Cloverleaf knots linked together to form a circular design.

The most challenging part to making this interesting design is tightening.  The loops need to be large enough so the knots can be turned sideways and still lie flat.  

It's important that you use material that is NOT slippery, because the knots will loosen over time.

Here is the key to the images and instructions:
  • BIGHTS = Folded segments (labeled 1 - 3)
  • LOOPS = Circular with crossing point (labeled A - C)
  • ARROWS = Show direction and angle


First Cloverleaf Knot

Bight 1

Step 1:  You need one cord at least 60 inches long to make the Brocade Ball Knot.  Use a 72-inch cord if the material is wider than 3mm.

Fold the cord in half and mentally label it as bight 1.


Loop A

Use the right half of the cord to make loop A in a counter-clockwise direction.

Then fold the cord to make bight 2. 

Pass it into bight 1 over - under, heading left horizontally.

Loop B

Use the right half of the cord to make loop B in a counter-clockwise direction.

Fold it to make bight 3.

Pass it into bight 2 over - under, heading forward vertically.

Loop C

Make loop C in a counter-clockwise direction.

Pass the right half through bight 3 over - under, heading right. Then pass it under the left half of the cord.

Bring it through loop A under - over (from below).

Right to Left

Move the right half of the cord to the left, passing it over the left side of loop A and over the left half of the cord.

Bring it through bight 3 under - over.


Step 1, continued:  Tighten the first Cloverleaf for the Brocade Ball Knot gradually, by first pulling on the LOOPS to tighten the bights in the center. 

Next, reduce the size of the loops.  I recommend you start with loop B and pull the slack out heading toward the other loops (both directions). 

Important: Adjust the cord as you work so both halves are the same length when you are done. 

The three loops should be at least 1/2-inch in size if you are using 2mm - 3mm size cord material.   Increase the size of the loops if using 4mm material.


 Brocade Ball Knot - Cloverleaf #2

The second Cloverleaf for the Brocade Ball Knot is made in a different direction than the first knot.  The first loop is on the upper right and the third is on the lower left.


Bight 1

Step 2: Make bight 1 with the left half of the cord, arranged diagonally.

It should be at least 1.5 inches long.

Pass it through loop 1 (right) of the first Cloverleaf knot over - under, heading right.

Loop A

Rotate the left half clockwise to form loop A.

Fold it to make bight 2.

Pass it into bight 1 over - under moving right to left. It should rest near the fold of bight 1.

Loop B

Rotate the left half clockwise to form loop B.

Fold it to make bight 3.

Pass it into bight 2 over - under.


Left to Right

Make loop C in a clockwise direction.

Pass the left half through bight 3 over - under

Bring it under the segment coming from the previous knot (bight 1) and through loop A under - over.

Right to Left

Move the left half back to the left, passing it over the left side of loop A, and over the segment coming from the previous knot.

Pass it through bight 3 under - over.


Tighten the second Cloverleaf for the Brocade Ball Knot, turning it to the right of the first knot. 

Adjust the segment between the two knots so it's at least 1-inch long.  It will be used as a bight for the fourth knot. 

Brocade Ball Knot - Cloverleaf #3

The third Cloverleaf for the Brocade Ball Knot is made in the reverse order of the second knot, and you use the right half of the cord.

The first loop is on the upper left and the third is on the lower right.

Bight 1

Step 3:  Fold the right half to make bight 1. 

Pass it through loop 3 of the first Cloverleaf Knot (left) over - under.

Loop A

Make loop A in a counter-clockwise direction.

Fold the cord to make bight 2. 

Pass it into bight 1 from left to right over - under.

Loop B

Make loop B (counter-clockwise), then fold the cord to make bight 3.

Pass it into bight 2 over - under.

Loop C

Make loop C counter-clockwise, then pass the right half of the cord through bight 3 over - under.

Bring it under the segment coming from the first knot, then through loop A under - over.

Left to Right

Move the right half of the cord over the right side of loop A, then over the segment coming from the first knot.

Pass it through bight 3 under - over.

Tighten the Cloverleaf and position it to the left of the other two knots.

Brocade Ball Knot - Cloverleaf #4

The fourth Cloverleaf for the Brocade Ball Knot is made from the two folded segments between the three knots (bights).    


Step 4:  Mentally re-label both halves of the cord where they rest now.  Label the bights left and right, too.

Turn the second and third Cloverleaf knots sideways. The first knot should remain vertical.


Pass the left bight into the right one over - under, heading left to right.

Turn the left bight to the left, so it's almost vertical (see next image).  Make sure there is a space next to the tightened area of the first knot.


Black path:  Curve the right half of the cord, then pass it under both segments of the right bight heading backward.

White path: Bring it out through the space (forward), passing over the same two segments. 

Left to Right

Pass the left half of the cord over - under the left bight, heading right. 

Move it under the right half of the cord, then pass it under - over the curved area next to it. 

Right to Left

Move the left half of the cord back to the left, over the curved area and over the right half of the cord.

Pass it through the left bight under - over.


Tighten the fourth Cloverleaf for the Brocade Ball Knot gradually. 

You will need to pull the other knots to do this, so be careful not to distort them.

Continued Below

Step 4, continued:  This is the best place to make adjustments if the four knots for the Brocade Ball Knot are too far apart. Follow the arrows on the image above and use these instructions to make adjustments:
  • Remove the slack from the area next to knot 1 first, pulling towards knot 4.
  • Continue by removing the slack from knot 4 to knot 3.  Then work the other direction, from knot 4 to knot 2.  You will need to work it out all the way through both knots.
  • Pull out the remaining slack toward loop 4, then all the way through it to the ends.


Brocade Ball Knot - Cloverleaf #5

The fifth Cloverleaf for the Brocade Ball Knot is similar to the fourth, but you link it to the loops from the second and third knot.


Step 5:  Fold each half of the cord to make two bights.  They should be at least 1.5 inches long.

On each side, pass the cord through loop C of the second and third Cloverleaf knots (closest to you).

Make sure you pass the cord through under - over (from below).


Pass the left bight into the right bight over - under, heading right.

Make sure there is a space close to the 4th Cloverleaf knot. 

Right Half

Black path:  Curve the right half of the cord clockwise to make a loop, then pass it under both segments of the right bight, pulling it out through the space.

White path: Move it toward you, passing over the bight.

Left Half

Black path: Move the left half of the cord to the right, over - under the left bight, under the right half of the cord, and through the loop under - over.

White path: Pass it over the right half of the cord heading left, and through the left bight under - over.



Tighten the fifth Cloverleaf for the Brocade Ball Knot.

Then check the other areas and re-tighten if needed. 


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